Public opinion on the political line of Azerbaijan after the next presidential election


The next issue of the magazine «Historical personalities» is dedicated to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev. expressed their congratulations.

This magazine, which has a great public reputation in the world press, is distinguished by its courageous and thoughtful activity, and contains congratulatory letters from President Ilham Aliyev to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and his purposeful policy. Published under the leadership of Editor-in-Chief Khalil Garahmedov, this magazine is of great political and educational importance to the population of the country. MP, Editor-in-Chief of «Azerbaijan» newspaper Bakhtiyar Sadigov; Deputy Executive Secretary of YAP, Chairman of the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations Mubariz Gurbanli; ATUC Chairman, MP Sattar Mohbaliyev; Minister of Economy Shahin Mustafayev; UN Human Rights Department Adviser, Major General Firdovsi Alakbarov; Chairman of the Azerbaijan State Railway Administration, MP Javid Gurbanov; Rector of Baku Cooperation University, MP Eldar Guliyev; Professor of the Azerbaijan State University of Economics Ali Hasanov; Director of the Baku European Lyceum Aygun Mikayilova; Deputy Chairman of the Republican Veterans Organization The magazine published the opinions of Jalil Khalilov and a number of government officials, elders, white-collar workers, teachers, doctors and ordinary citizens about the President of the country.