Drizzle expected in Baku


The National Hydrometeorological Service forecasts changeable cloudy  weather in Baku on February 17. It will be foggy in some places. Drizzle is expected in the morning hours. Southeast wind will blow.

The temperature in Baku and the Absheron peninsula will be +2-4 °C at night and +7-9 °C in the daytime. Atmospheric pressure will drop from 770 mm Hg to 765 mm Hg. Relative humidity will reach 70-80 percent. 

Rainy weather is expected in some regions.  It will be foggy in the morning and at night. East wind will blow.

The temperature will be 0-5 °C at night and +7-12  °C in the daytime. In the mountains, the temperature will be -7 °C and -12 °C at night and 0-5 °C in the daytime.