The International Committee for the Protection of Human Rights collects and analyzes information on the observation of human rights in different countries of the world and disseminates it among government representatives, intergovernmental organizations and the media.
The issues raised by the International Committee for the Protection of Human Rights in the presentations include social and sexual discrimination, torture, military crimes, political corruption and abuses in the criminal justice system. The International Committee for the Protection of Human Rights documents and informs violations of the laws of war and international humanitarian law. The International Committee for the Protection of Human Rights is registered in the UN system as the official contractor under the identity number 162389.
For the moment, the collaborators of the International Committee for the Protection of Human Rights carry out the activity on the territory of the following countries: Lithuania, Spain, Guinea, Ghana, Namibia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, India , South Korea

The representation of the International Committee for the Protection of Human Rights in Kazakhstan opened its doors in December 2014. Since then, the employees of the CIPDH have done a huge amount of work. The lawyers of the International Committee for the Protection of Human Rights have helped many citizens of Kazakhstan in the country and abroad. Also the citizens of Kazakhstan participated in numerous missions of the CIPDH in many countries.

The CIPDH Board understands the importance of Kazakhstan in the global arena. Kazakhstan is the largest country in Central Asia. Helped by the natural resources of its subsoil (6th in the world), it has become the most important economy in the region. Kazakhstan has already chosen its path of development and is trying to stick to it. Even after gaining its independence, this country has taken many initiatives, invited itself into debates, offered its services and ideas for integration. He is not only a member of different organizations: CIS, Eurasec, OSCE, Customs Union but also a lobbyist for Eurasian integration.

You can also find a List of employees of the CIPDH Representation in the Republic of Kazakhstan here.

The Branch of the International Committee for the Protection of Human Rights in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan, 010000, Astana, rue de Kenesary 13/1.


Director of the Branch of the International Committee for the Protection of Human Rights in Kazakhstan

On October 12, 2017, the Branch of the International Committee for the Protection of Human Rights began its official activities on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The headquarters of the CIPDH branch is in Astana. The place was not chosen by chance, because Astana is the political and economic center of Central Asia. Astana is located at the crossroads with its neighbors: the Russian Federation, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and China. New air links with New York, Singapore and Tokyo will be inaugurated. Astana is already attractive to many

businessmen and investors visiting the country, as a pilot visa allocation project bears fruit.

The main activities of the branch of the International Committee for the Protection of Human Rights are the support of CIPDH projects on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the management of CIPDH subdivisions in Central Asia.

The Director of the Branch of the International Committee for the Protection of Human Rights in Kazakhstan



Head of CIPDH Representation in Turkey

Une PeAA public and political figure.

Turkey. Ankara.

Turkey is a very culturally rich country, with an international influence, both in terms of history, economy and politics. The complexity of this booming country results from several components: first of all the History of Turkey, then its position and its geostrategic networks, its cultural identity, its internal and external policy and finally its economy.

Now it is important to understand Turkey’s position in the world. You should know that Turkey is surrounded by three continents: Europe, Asia and Africa. It is also bordered by three seas: The Mediterranean Sea, the Aegean Sea and the Black Sea. Because of its position, Turkey serves as a “bridge” to link East and West. Indeed, it is at the heart of influence peddling between the three continents. And she managed to take advantage of it. Indeed, being in direct contact with Europe, it has been able to develop its relations with the various European countries. She was also able to forge strong ties with Russia thanks to the Black Sea. But also with the Balkan countries, the Caucasus, the Middle East and even the United States. It is also possible to note the development of Sino-Turkish trade relations. The Bosphorus Strait perfectly illustrates these remarks, and shows the importance of the Turkish position, being a real place of traffic, flows, and exchanges.

Turkey was therefore able to confirm its position, creating an important network of influence and developing its trade relations with the rest of the world.

For the International Committee for the Protection of Human Rights, representation in Turkey is strategic. Aware of the importance of Turkey, the CIPDH has formed a team of specialists and experts for representation in Turkey.

The representation opens for the purposes of carrying out the activity of the name and on behalf of the Association, including:

representations and defense of the interests of the Association on the territory of the Republic of Turkey;
provide legal assistance for the protection of rights and freedoms in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Turkey, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms,
disseminate among the population the ideas expressed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in other international charters of this nature,
organize, prepare and carry out humanitarian missions and charitable actions,
disseminate information on natural and legal persons, deserving special recognition of their achievements in the fight for the respect of human rights,
analyze and carry out statistics on various facts related to the violation of human rights,
contribute to the development of relations between the associations of the Republic of Turkey and the European Union, working in the field of the protection of human rights,
Consultation of Turkish jurists on questions of international law in the field of protection of human rights and freedoms.
Exercising legal aid and representing the interests of Turkish citizens in the European Court of Human Rights.
contribute to the development of relations between the associations of the Republic of Turkey and the European Union, working in the field of human rights protection.
The Director of the CIPDH representation in Turkey

Mr. Eşref Soysal

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