The subdivisions of the CIPDH
A year ago the Board of Directors of the International Committee for the Protection of Human Rights set the task of elaborating the mechanism of functioning in the separated country without opening the representation of the CIPDH. In recent years the International Committee for the Protection of Human Rights has grown from a public interest organization for the defense of human rights to a participant in international relations.

Practice has shown that the opening of representation in the country is ineffective in destabilizing the political situation in the country. Representations of foreign human rights organizations in such a case by the former are outlawed.

Also the system of coordination of actions between the administrative council of the International Committee for the Protection of Human Rights and the representation proved ineffective. In the unstable political situation there were no clear mechanisms of access to information.

Finally, the same studies of the situation of the observation of human rights were passed several times, from different subdivisions of the CIPDH.

Apart from the information collected by observers and experts of the International Committee for the Protection of Human Rights instead, the Committee attracts specialists from international organizations for the formation of forecasts of the development of the situation in the country .

The key factor in the system of using the departments is the close cooperation with local state structures, non-governmental human rights organizations and professional communities of lawyers.

It is the legal and effective way for the revelation of the violations of the human rights and by the exertion of the pressure on the capacity with the aim of obtaining the observance of the international obligations as regards human rights. .

The possibility of the effective distribution of finances necessary for the functioning of the departments has become yet another peculiarity of the use of internal departments.

Well it was practically shown by the constant working groups operating in places of conducting hostilities and closely cooperating with reporters and doctors. Such a scheme effectively makes it possible to carry out observation during the situation with human rights and after the observation of international norms of humanitarian law to the conduct of hostilities.

President of the CIPDH


CIPDH African Department

Loko Str. East Legon, Accra, Ghana

Particularly concerned by the 8 millennium development goals enacted by the UN, the CIPDH supports the effort of the international community to eradicate the scourges that prevent people from developing harmoniously. In Africa, the CIPDH has a very strong local presence (Gabon, Ivory Coast, etc.) and follows very closely the issues of human rights linked to the development of the continent.

Very respectful of African cultures and traditions, the CIPDH never loses sight of the realities specific to the continent during its many activities.

The action of the CIPDH in Africa takes place at several levels:

1) The African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights.

The CIPDH supports the promotion and popularization of a very important text: The African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights. The African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights was adopted on June 27, 1986 in Nairobi (Keynia) during the 18th Conference of the Organization of African Unity. It entered into force on October 21, 1986, after being ratified by 25 states. It is based on the Charter of the Organization of African Unity and the Charter of the United Nations as well as on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights while «taking into account the virtues of their historical traditions and the values ​​of civilization which must inspire and characterize their reflections on the conception of human and peoples’ rights» (preamble to the Charter). It places at the same level as human rights on the one hand the right of African peoples to self-determination vis-à-vis the outside world and on the other hand the duties of the individual towards the family and the State. . It therefore defines a mechanism in which national independence, tradition, social cohesion and authority (provided that this authority is not imposed by a colonial power) are values ​​as important as human rights in the individual sense, which are therefore more rights above others.

2) The principle of solidarity

The CIPDH supports and promotes the philosophy of solidarity financing. Its principle is the following; We are all citizens of an increasingly interconnected, interdependent world brought about by globalization. This positive globalization in many ways is also the cause of social inequalities that threaten to increase exponentially. The answer to this drift? Participate in the creation of a new capitalism based on solidarity contributions and thus create a new type of governance that is fairer and more human. (reminder: today, 1.5 billion people live on less than $1.25 (1 euro) per day; a child dies every three seconds from a preventable and curable disease (malaria, diarrhoea, tuberculosis, AIDS, etc.) and 500,000 women die each year from complications of pregnancy or childbirth. )

3) Transversality in the approach to nature protection.

The CIPDH supports the general fight for the protection of the environment and more specifically aims to make public and understand the cross-cutting aspect of this fight, particularly through the fight against poaching. Poaching has become a vector of insecurity but also a source of funding for rebel organizations”, recalls the international community, seizing the threat in its global political consequences. : There is talk of wildlife crime, and there is a major impact of poaching on peace and security in Africa.

                                                 Head of the African Department of the CIPDH
                                                                       Mr. Ginsburg V.

6 rue du Doctor Finlay. 75015 Paris. France.

The Medical Department – ​​is an international non-commercial medical structure of the International Committee for the Protection of Human Rights, which provides medical assistance to people who suffered as a result of military conflicts from starvation, epidemics, migration forced, natural accidents, as well as people who have suffered attacks due to national, racial and religious hatred more than in the 12 countries of the world.

Among the priority programs of the medical department of the CIPDH – the implementation of international projects in the field of ecology and innovative medicine.

As part of the partnership of the International Committee for the Protection of Human Rights with international humanitarian organizations, the Medical Department of the CIPDH sends volunteers to carry out the following priority tasks throughout the world:

The CIPDH Medical Department hires specialists from all over the world. Employees of the Medical Department not only doctors and health workers, but also representatives of other professions, whose activity contributes to the achievement of the goals and tasks of the International Committee for the Protection of Human Rights.

Volunteers working in the association receive only basic compensation for daily expenses and must follow the principles set out in the Statute of the International Committee for the Protection of Human Rights.

The collaborators of the CIPDH Medical Department are committed to respecting moral professional standards and to be entirely independent of any political, economic or religious eyes.

The main activity of the Europe-Asia Department of the International Committee for the Protection of Human Rights is the information of the international community on the problems of the observation of human rights on the territory of the countries of the Central Asia, through cooperation with human rights and state structures.

An important task of the Euro-Asian Department is the creation of an effective public strategy for raising the level of information and compliance with human rights standards in each country of the region.
The work of the staff of the Euro-Asian Department contributes to the emergence of a stable partnership between news agencies, journalists and the international human rights community.

Specialists of the Euro-Asian Department of the International Committee for the Protection of Human Rights practically carry out effective strategies on pursuit of society to discussion of acute issues, carry out joint investigations of cases of interethnic conflicts, initiate dialogue with the state structures in the framework of acute social problems, among which xenophobia, torture and trade in people.

In modern conditions there are only not enough problems to clarify, it is necessary to solve them within the framework of the law. Employees of the Euro-Asian Department carry out dialogue between defenders of human rights of the countries of Central Asia and state structures, through creation of international working and intergovernmental mechanisms of cooperation in the field of human rights protection.

The Balkan Department of the International Committee for the Protection of Human Rights

The Balkan Department of the CIPDH is the subdivision of the International Committee for the Protection of Human Rights, which was registered as a non-profit organization by the Sofia City Court on March 20, 2012. (Order № 175 /2012). The Board of Directors of the Department of the Balkans is composed of:

The CIPDH assists the Balkan Department of the CIPDH in the implementation of articles 7 to 8-9 of the Global Compact Agreement relating to environmental support in the territory of the Balkan countries and in Bulgaria. Particular importance was given to the implementation of provisions that will contribute to the optimal development of industries that affect the standard of living of people and the preservation of the environment of the Republic of Bulgaria.

In particular the following provisions:

– Principle 7: Business should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges.

– Principle 8: undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and

– Principle 9: encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.

Since 2011, the Balkan Department of the CIPDH has been collaborating with the municipalities of Bulgaria for the preparation and realization of economic and environmental programs related to the treatment of waste and the creation of alternative energy sources.

The Balkan Department of CIPDH operates in the following branches:

– Independent monitoring of the problems of treatment and disposal of household and industrial waste on the territory of Bulgaria;

– exchange of information and experience gained in EU environmental fields through participation in seminars, conferences, international forums and other events, as well as in social and community projects organized by the countries of the Balkan region;

– establishment of legal assistance to public organizations, private companies developing recycling technologies;

– analysis of the various facts and events that have occurred in the European Union in terms of the environment and their impact on the environment and the living environment;

– Development of legislative initiatives in the field of supervision and control. And also the application of sanctions and other enforcement measures in case of flagrant violation of Bulgarian and European law in the field of ecology.

– The development of relations between organizations and environmental industries of the European Union and other foreign countries, successfully working in the field of environmental protection and the use of modern technologies for waste treatment .

The Balkan Department of the CIPDH creates all the conditions for the development of its work and the implementation of international cooperation in the field of the environment with all the international partners concerned.

Director of the Balkans Department of the CIPDH

Mr. Alymov Evgenios.

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