ATO Veteran Protection.


On August 4, Vladimir Prokhnich, a veteran of the ATO, went to the Cabinet of Ministers building with a grenade. Subsequently, he was persuaded to surrender and was detained.

Prokhnich Vladimir Vasilyevich over the four years of war heroically repeatedly showed himself in the position of commander of the sapper reconnaissance and sabotage group of the 24th OSB «Aydar». During the fighting, he received 4 bruises, 2 wounds, and every day, at the risk of his life, saved the lives of both Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers and Ukrainian citizens in the combat zone. For these actions, he was repeatedly awarded state prizes, incl. Order «For Courage» 3rd degree of the President of Ukraine.

Representatives of the CIPDH and the charitable foundation Ukraine Open Heart, which defended Mr. Prokhnich Vladimir in court, repeatedly mentioned that he periodically turned to volunteers for occasional psychological, moral and financial assistance and that he received such help.

Vladimir Prokhnich has serious health problems — a tumor. According to our information, he has no alcoholism or drug addiction. CIPDH staff sent a letter with a request for the appointment of a psychiatric examination to Mr. Vladimir Prokhnich.

Prokhnich lived and worked in Kiev in the taxi service. He also owns a company whose main activity is “maintenance and repair of vehicles”.

Friends and colleagues speak of him as a good and honest person. Most likely, this incident is a consequence of the deterioration of his health.