Ombudsman Sabina Aliyeva is on a trip to the Republic of Turkiye


The Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsperson) Sabina Aliyeva and several staff members of her Office are on an official trip to the Republic of Turkiye upon the invitation of Human Rights and Equality Institution of Turkiye (HREIT).

Within the framework of the trip, which was organized taking into account the recommendations of the UN Subcommittee against Torture, the Ombudsperson and the delegation visited the cities of Mardin and Diyarbakir with representatives of HREIT.

Sabina Aliyeva, who met with the governor of Mardin and members of HREIT, which operates as Turkiye’s National Preventive Mechanism against Torture, expressed her satisfaction with the continuous development of existing cooperation between the two brotherly countries in various directions, as well as in the field of protection of human rights and freedoms.

S. Aliyevagave detailed information about activities of the Azerbaijan Ombudsman institution in the field of protection of human rights and freedoms, visits carried out as NPM in accordance with the requirements of the Optional Protocol of the UN Convention against «Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment».

At the same time, it was stated that within the framework of judicial law reforms carried out in Azerbaijan, new institutions that meet international standards were built for women and children prisoners;production facilities were organized for prisoners to engage in useful work; and in order for prisoners to spend their free time effectively, sports areas was setup, also,education and the necessary infrastructure has been created for themto acquire professional skills.

The aim of the visit carried out according to the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the two institutions in 2021, is to exchange the experiences gained by the Azerbaijan Ombudsman institution and HREIT as NPM, and further develop cooperation.

Within the framework of the visit, the representatives of the Azerbaijan Ombudsman institution and HREIT made joint visits to the penal institutions including juvenile correctional facilities located in Mardin and Diyarbakir.The state of ensuring the rights and freedoms of the convicts established in international documents was monitored, and it was observed that the Turkish state had carried out reforms in the field of execution of punishments in accordance with international standards.